{those grievances listed with links are to pages that have tips for preventing/relieving those particular ailments}
For the past weekish, I've taken a little hiatus from the marathon training. Detrimental though my little break my have been (I'm dreading weighing in at the end of this week, and I certainly couldn't bear to go to my Tuesday Track workout yesterday), it was good for my soul. I spent Wednesday night through Monday afternoon surrounded by family, friends, love, bubbly, good food, great wine, smiles, and not much else! Sometimes it's good to work out your heart in other ways besides just cardiovascularly :)
One thing I did get accomplished while in the Blessed State, however, is a time-honored tradition that my MuM and I have been engaging in since I was in high school: the mani-pedi!
Before the Beautiful Suzy hitched her wagon to my dear Little Brother, all of us gals went to go get our toes pampered (and hands too, for some of us). This is Suzy and Grandma Jane during their turns in the magic seat:
Now, of course pedicures make you feel pretty, which we all know by now can be a very important part of running, but the reasons for runners (female and male) to get pedicures go beyond the purely cosmetic. A good pedicurist will keep your toe nails trim (tre important for runners), take care of calluses that can cause discomfort, moisturize dry, craked tootsies, and give you the essential foot massage (I say essential because they do wonders for your feet; and runners definitely need to pamper their feet after all the pounding we put on them.
Here are some great articles I have found on the care the runner's foot and injury prevention:
Care For Your Feet
Surface Tension
Too Much Good Stuff
No Air up There!
I did go for one mountain run with my beatiful MuM on Monday before I had to head back to this rock. As predicted, she totally kicked my butt and I was sucking air - except there wasn't any at 5,000 feet! It's no big deal, though. I was happy to get taught a thing or two by one of my biggest running role models. To wrap it up, here's a picture of me and my beauftiful MuM at the pedicure place. Isn't she great?
The pictures are great! I saw a few from the wedding festivities that Jane posted too. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time celebrating with the happy (& super cute) couple.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, another good blog, Ash! Entertaining & informative. And I'm loving the endorsement for pedicures. I'm pretty stingy when it comes to pampering myself (maybe it's the Finn in me...I don't know) but maybe I will break down & get one soon! Runner or not, I deserve it.
I exercised for 30 minutes tonight on the cross trainer we have upstairs at the house instead of doing the videos I've been doing & it kicked my butt. There were brief moments of this-isn't-so-bad & good-job-for-hangin'-in-there but then the resistance really pushed it up a few notches & I was in a not happy place. Why can't I just be skinny again without doing all this nonsense!? Why did I have to turn 30 (...a year & a half ago...)!? Why, God - WHY!?
Well, whatever. I did it & that's what matters. Even if I have a pity party & a bad attitude about it, it still counts! :-)
Your mom rocks! Congratulations to your little brother and his new bride, and yay for a great trip to Utah!
ReplyDeletemelissa - good for you, pretty lady! i'm VERY proud of you for making it through a nasty workout. i myself had a nasty run today. a 5 mile run very quickly disintigrated into a 30 minute jog, so there! we can have a pity party together!
ReplyDeleteand as for the pedicure - spring for it every once in a while! you deserve it, you HOTT MAMA! and if you can't bring yourself to do it, do the following:
1) buy some bath salts and put hot water in the tub with the salts and soak your tootsies.
2) scrub your feet with a pumice stone
3) have hubby rub your feet
4) when feet are sufficiently pampered, scrubbed, rubbed, and dry, paint them toenails!
5) voila! at-home pedi!