Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Few of My (Least) Favorite Things

I'm going to keep this short, sweet, and to the point. Because I'm grouchy today, here are some things that I hate:

1) Stretching. I generally just don't do it. I think during the first week of this little experiment I stretched but, now that I've more or less found my stride again, I'm back to not stretching. Stretching sucks because it hurts, and that's all there is to it. It's not even the kind of hurt that helps you in the long run - like track workouts or hills. Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But it prevents injuries, Ash!" Phooey. I've never really stretched, and aside from my janky ankles, I've never had a real running injury. So there.

2) How long it takes to recover from a week of too much fun. Alright, alright...I know it was my fault for all the champagne I drank and deliciousness I consumed while I was away, but really? Come on, body o' have been training for this thing for a month, there has to be some residual fitness in there somewhere. Nope, according to my failed attempt at 5 miles yesterday, there is not. It takes soooo long to get your body to be able to perform at a certain lever, but it takes no time at all to fall right back to square one. Stupid body.

3) Vacuuming. It's loud, you have to move everything around, the edges of the rugs always get sucked up, the dogs freak out...there is nothing good about vacuuming except making your floors clean. Billy was the vacuumer in the house, because I refused. Now I have the horrible job. One more reason to dislike deployment.

4) The way my tummy feels right now because I ate pizza for lunch and am trying to convince myself to go for a lengthy run. Again, body fail. And resolve fail. It's a dark day for Operation: Sexy Bitch.

5) Flossing. I hate flossing for all the same reasons I hate stretching. I've had dentists thank me for flossing so regularly, when I never, ever, ever do. So that tells me it's pointless to floss. Besides, flossing hurts (because, like stretching, I never do it) so I see no reason to inflict more pain upon myself. I do that enough with this training.

6) The fact that it's not Friday yet.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there's more to whine about, but I'm starting to hate the fact that I'm being such a whiner! Makses sense, right? Anyway, if any of you out there have something you'd like to go ahead and bitch about, feel free to do so here. It just seems like it's one of those days all the way around.

***I promise that tomorrow I'll start talking about running again!***


  1. I think there should be a law requiring at least a week off after a 'vacation'. I'm exhausted too!

    PS Flossing is a lost art. You should try it sometime :)

  2. Top ten things I hate when running:

    1) Socks that scrunch down in my shoes so I have to stop and pull them up again.

    2) Shoelaces that don't stay tied.

    3) Chub rub (you covered that one).

    4) The Wall.

    5) Fighting other runners for space at a water station then trying to drink from a cup while keeping up a pace during a race.

    6) Wind. It's worse than rain. Worse than snow. Worse than any other element for running.

    7) Heat. A close second to wind. Maybe even tied on some days.

    8) Humidity. Yuck. I may have to think this element hierarchy.

    9) Stupid drivers who don't pay attention to runners.

    10) Loose dogs with stupider owners: "Don't worry, he's friendly!" as the dog comes charging and growling with teeth gnashing.

    There you go. Encore top ten to follow, I'm sure!

  3. Gotta have a good whine session! I will keep #2 in mind for when I START training. I am not a runner so I am starting from the way beginning. I just really need to just START already! I've already downloaded the couch 2 5k on my iphone.

  4. My friend's dentist says "If you don't floss for your teeth, you should floss for your heart." Apparently it adds years to your life if you floss daily...but I'm with you - what's the big deal? I'm glad to hear someone else is willing to take a stand on this. ;-)

    Anyway, feel free to whine - sometimes it's good to just let it out! Then you can move on & get things done. I'd like to whine for a moment about the fact that it's already time to go to bed & end another too-short weekend. Why can't I just be independently wealthy & not have to work? Wouldn't that be wonderful?

  5. i'm with tammy on that list - heat, humidity, shoelaces! gah!! and sometimes its like the more items there are from my regular list in play, the easier it is for normally insignificant components to push me over the edge & just head for home.

    i'm going to highly recommend this tool
    if you despise flossing - it gets the same job done but in such a pleasant manner!

    and, as you know, i hold a degree in exercise sciences and would Love to chat pros & cons of stretching with you, but i'ma go ahead & say that, as far as injury prevention on a strictly runners' diet is concerned (that is, not considering serious cross training), you'll probably be alright with just your regular warm up/cool down components. those activities usually provide enough easing into/out of exertion for things like... oh, your circulatory system not to freak out & forget how to move blood from your extremities. cheers! (:

  6. susan! you rock! thank you! i will have to pick up one of those floss alternative thingies. and i'm glad to hear that i can stick with my no-stretch routine. brilliant!

    and to melissa: dont' you hate how sunday nights sneak up so fast?! gah!!! it's terrible. well, i'll make a deal with you: if and when either of us ever gets to the point where we are ridiculously wealthy and can afford to stay at home, we'll help the other out so they can do the same. deal?! ;)

  7. I'm glad to hear all that about stretching too. I just have never felt the need to really to run. Now after some kick boxing or something, yea, maybe, if I'm sore. Anyyyywho. I don't floss either. And it does hurt and I don't like the little space it opens in between my teeth. I can't see it, but I can feel it. No bueno.
