Little Brother, Being Amazing
One of the most powerful factors in any runner's performance is inspiration. I firmly believe that any athlete - and runners especially (because I am one) - need to feel inspired to do their very best at any given race/meet/jog/workout. It's what makes you achieve more. It's what makes good runners great. It's what forces us to dig deep into ourselves and find that which we didn't think we had in order to achieve what we thought was impossible. Inspiration is essential.
However, inspiration does not just manifest itself out of thin air. You need to feel inspiration, to experience it - you can't just make it happen. Sometimes it comes from reading a book (or, dare I say it, a blog?), or from watching a sporting event on TV, or from your favorite running song, or watching your favorite athlete, or fear, or...from knowing someone who embodies everything that you wish you could be. And that's why this small little blog post, with it's small (but loyal!!!) following, in it's own small little way is dedicated to one of my biggest running inspirations and one of my biggest fans: David Michael Eppens, little brother, my best friend.
{Whoa guys - be forewarned before you keep going, I've been in varying degrees of bubbly intoxication since Wednesday and I'm already getting a little weepy - this may be a long one...}
The Beginning
When David was just a wee lad, he was not what anyone would call ahtletic. Our parents are both phenomenal runners. MumE has run 5 marathons and DadE's personal record (PR) for a 10K (6.2 miles) is 30:30. It definitely helps (but is not essential) to come from good stock! However, for the first 14 years of his life, David was content to play Star Fox and Mario Kart on his Nintendo 64 and to eat frozen, microwavable corn dogs like it was his mission in life.
I like to think that I had some small hand in the creation of "David: The Runner". When I came home for the summer after my freshman year of college, I found myself bored and restless and disgruntled. I ran every day just to waste some time, and more often than not I could thump Little Brother on the back of the head and convince him that he wanted to bike along side me. I'd also go to the gym to workout when the mood came upon me, and he was always willing to join me.
That summer came and went, but Eppens legend goes that after Ashleigh ventured back to SoCal for her Sophomore year at Concordia, David said to MuM one day, "Mom, will you buy me a pair of running shoes?" Of course, she was thrilled that her slightly chubby son was showing some degree of interest in any type of physical activity, and she bought him some shoes.
And So It Goes...
The rest, as they say, is history. There are too many countless motivational, inspiraction David running stories to share, but I'm going to try to anyway:
He ran his first 5K race in 26:something, and his next in 21:something and only got faster from there. He's been known to collapse on the track from running his heart out mere yards away from the finish line and, while one by one his competitors pass him by, get up and finish the race. He's single-handedly established a track and cross-country program at a small Christian high school in Ogden, Utah (with some help and support from some very inspirational people in their own right.) He joined the Navy to become a Rescue Swimmer, and while in training was dubbed the "Rescue Runner" by his instructors, who made him have a handicap during grueling track workouts because there was no one who even came close to being as fast as my Little Brother.
True Story
One of the primary motivations for me running this stupid marathon is because Little Brother has not. Nothing wrong with a little sibling rivalry, eh? He's ran every distance I ever have faster than I ever could. There is nothing for me to outdo him in except to run farther than he has (although, undoubtedly, sooner or later he will run a marathon and make my time seem embarrassing!) Little Brother - David, to those of you that don't really know him - is a HUGE inspiration in my life. He makes me want to run faster and be better, not just at running, but in everything.
Yesterday, Little Brother married the stunning Suzy. She's a gal so extraordinary that if you don't know her, you should wish that you did. I cannot imagine anyone more suited to spend the rest of her life with my dear Little Brother. I wish them nothing but happiness and blessings and sunshine and good waves and great powder.
I'm sorry I didn't sign your guest book. I love you both more than I could ever say and I'm so proud and happy for the both of you.
PS - David, you may be a faster runner, but I'm a waaaaaay better dancer. What are we gonna do with you anyway?
Run fast. Run strong. Run well. Finish the race. Never cut corners.
ReplyDeleteWhat a family - I'm proud to be their Mom/Grami Jane!!!