I know what all you ladies out there are thinking. You're thinking, "Who's the stud?!" Well, simmer down ladies - that's my dad! Like I've mentioned before, I come from good stock. Dad was the man back in his glory days, and nothing has changed. He was just so fast! And even if he's not as fast as he once was, it doesn't matter because he is still just so amazing in so many ways. Dad has always been one of my biggest fans (probably THE biggest fan, tied for first with MuM) - I can't think of a race or meet that one of my parents wasn't at. I know I'm blessed to have parents that care. I love you, DadE!
The Weigh-In
Right, sooo...after a month of running, "dieting", and obsessing, this girl has lost...1 lb. *sigh* 144 said the scale this a.m. I blame the trip to Utah!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. This next month will be better. I don't have anything going on until the end of July. It will be fine. I'm not going to get too hung up on it because...
LSD Sunday
After yesterday's erroneous reading on the Nike+, it came through for me today! I ran an 8-miler (I stepped it down due to my debauchery last week, but will kick it back up next weekend and most of the subsequent weekends) and I averaged 8:08. I was super excited, and I even Google Mapped my route, so I knew that Nike+ wasn't just flattering me and trying to apologize for yesterday. My total time was 1:05:10 and I felt great the whole time. According to Nike+, my last 4 miles were faster than my first 4. All of these things are wonderful and made me feel good about running and my ability again. But, all the sunshine and rainbows came with a price:
I don't know how well you can see that, but those are my feet with HUGE blisters on both my left and right arches. OH! The agony of da feet! (bahahahahaha! I love a good pun!) They hurt like a son of a gun and make me unhappy. So, as mentioned earlier, I took care of my feet:
I gave them an exfoliating sand scrub:
Then, a soothing salt water soak:
All from the comfort of my backyard:
It's true. Where I live is nothing less than B.A. When are you coming to visit?
In Conclusion...
This past week I've spent just trying to get myself back to where I was before I took a week off to drink too much champagne, so I deviated quite a bit from the plan, but I feel like I'm back to where I can pick it back up again. I'll continue to share my progess with you as the week progresses.It seems like I had so much more to chat about today, but I think I've covered just about everything, so I'll leave it at that.
I hope you all have had a lovely weekend and great Father's Day. Here's a parting shot of my running buddies to make you smile and wrap up the week:
Those blisters look pretty nasty! I can't believe you got a tattoo on the bottom of your foot! How could you possibly have stayed still enough to accomplish that? I just got a tattoo on my right foot on Friday - I see you have one on a similar place. Mine's more on the top & outer side though. That wasn't bad but on the bottom must've been interesting. :-) Well, anyway, I feel your pain on the weigh-in - I haven't lost any weight either, but I'm driving on! It's only a matter of time as long as I stick with it...
ReplyDeletethanks lady! yeah, it's pretty discouraging after a month to find out that i haven't lost much of anything. but like you said - we'll just keep pressing on and keep getting healthier and before you know it, we'll be dropping pounds! (at least, that's how i hope it goes!) hang in there!
ReplyDeletedo you have any pics up of your tattoo? the one on the bottom of my left foot was one of those college "i'm so clever" adventures. it used to say "made in the usa" but the m and the a are all gone! the one on the top of my left foot david and i both have. we got them together when we first joined the navy. it's an icthus and psalm 40:2. they both really, really hurt!
I finally just caught up on all of the posts I've missed in the past week - whew! You are seriously the most diligent blogger I read, both in your writing and in your expectation of yourself to stick to the running plan. I had to giggle when I saw that you mentioned not running the day you traveled, because I can't imagine how you *could* have exercised! You are still my super woman, especially for getting yourself on track the minute you got home. July will be your month to break some personal records, I can just feel it!
ReplyDeleteFlo is right, Ashleigh - you are the most consistent & detailed blogger I know! Good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI uploaded a picture of my new tattoo to my Facebook page. Let's see how long it takes before my mother sees it & makes a comment. ;-) My best friend, Misty, has the exact same one but she got it on her right inner forearm. It's our "BFF" tattoo & is symbolic in that it has the body of a bee (Melissa means "honey bee") & the wings of a butterfly (Misty is mildly obsessed with all things butterfly) & the wings each actually look like "M"s (for Misty & Melissa) & the colors on the wings are our favorite colors (orange for me, pink for her). She designed it & got hers a while back & gave me mine as a birthday gift (although my b-day was in January & we're just now getting around to it now...). I joked that I don't even have anything involving my husband or child tattooed permanently on my body...you'd think Misty & I were actually lesbian lover soul mates or something but we are not. :-) Anyway, I like it & so far have no regrets!
I agree with the others. I love your consistency! I'm such a procrastinator lately. Booooo. Question-How did the M and A come off?! That's crazy! Wow and I love the verse; very appropriate for da feet...
ReplyDeleteI will get one one day. I think.