Let me begin with this slightly bizarre, incredibly funny, viral video. I'm guessing most of my readership as seen this before, but if you haven't seen it, or haven't seen it in awhile, then you're in for a TREAT!
(caution: if you have kids, you might want to ask them to leave the room. there's some language and it gets a little weird at the end)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious, and remarkably appropriate. I have 2 shoe stories to share with you today, so here we go. They're both very, very sad stories. But, at least one has a happy ending!
First, we have what happens when you know you need to buy new running shoes, but you put it off for a week:
Those blisters that got started on my 8-miler on Sunday? Yeah, they definitely got worse on my 6-miler on Wednesday. They were so bad that I was not able to even come close to finishing my hill workout yesterday. It was horrible. And they still hurt so bad! They're all bandaged up right now, and I'm sure glad that today is my day off from running, but I still need to go get some new shoes.
And all the ladies said, "YAY!!!!! Shoooooooooe Shopping!!!!" If I get out of work at a decent hour today, I'll stop by my our favorite local running store to grab a new pair (or, most likely two pairs! you can never have too many shoes and you get more life out of both pairs if you alternate between them). If I can't pick them up this afternoon, I'll just go to the NEX tomorrow before I go running.
So, that's the first sad shoe story of the week. Here's the next one:
Doesn't it just break your heart?! These shoes were such a great find! I picked them up at TJ Maxx in Riverdale, UT and wore them for the Groom's Dinner before Little Brother's wedding, as well as in the family photos taken by the talented Julie Parker. See?:

They were so wonderful. Who would want to destroy such a wonderful pair of shoes?
Behold! The perp:
THE LITTLE BEAST!!! I was sooo upset! This is what happened last Sunday. I came out of the shower and there he was, with my beautiful new shoes looking up at me like he was innocent, when in fact he was caught RED handed! I immediately called Teresa and lamented my sad tale to her. When I screamed "THE DAMN DOG ATE MY NEW SHOES!!!" the silly lady said "Which dog?" As IF my dear little Gwen would ever eat my shoes! She's a lady...she understands. Only a stinky boy dog would ever devour such a pretty pair of pink shoes :(
A Happy Ending To a Sad Story
When I came home from work yesterday, I had a box from FedEx on my doorstep. What an unexpected surprise! My dear MuM, while travelling for work in Boise, Idaho this week went to TJ Maxx up there and found a replacement pair! They are the exact same, and were still only $24.99 (LOVE a good buy!) and I was so thrilled that I promptly put them on a high shelf in my closet, away from sharp claws and gnashing teeth. See, a happy ending to a potentially very sade shoe tale.
Also in the amazing box of surprise love was this bit of utter fabulousness:
Oh yes, the '80s are back - epitomized by my new, beautiful, everything-old-is-new-again, white Ray-Bay Wayfarers! I mostly hate everything 80s that seem to be back en vogue again these days, but I have always loved the look of Wayfarers. Something about them is just so chic and summer and fun. And even though you can now get the classic shades in every single color imaginable, and are even customizable, I believe, I told my MuM that I wanted the white ones, just so they really embody that retro feel. I've even been listening to an 80s station on Pandora at work all day, just to go with my new glasses. Yeah, I'm lame like that.
So, the morals of today's stories are these: 1)don't wait too long to get new running shoes! 2)you can never have too many shoes (running shoes or otherwise!) and 3)my dear MuM is SUPER amazing. Thanks for the shoes and the glaases, mom!!!
Holy blisters batman! I can't even imagine the pain! What kind of shoes do you like to run in? I've been rocking Shox since high school and haven't ran in anything else since. People tell me there are better things out there, but I'm skeptical.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Moms are all sorts of wonderful with their packages! My favorite are filled with kitchen gadgets :p
If you've got it, flaunt it. If you don't, go buy it.
ReplyDeleteYou've got it! Buy it anyway :)
LOVE the RayBans. Love the pink shoes. Love your blog. Love you!!
Happy shoe shopping this day...
What a great story! I am loving those new shades on you, and YAY for new pink shoes! Those are definitely crazy adorable. I can't wait to see your new running shoes and your healthy, blister-free feet! (PS: What happened to your older shoes that caused the blisters? I can only imagine the pain that caused!)
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ReplyDeleteThose blisters are out of control! Youch. Hope the new running shoes help.
ReplyDeleteYour pink shoes are too cute - I'm glad your mommy found you replacements. It's always sad when a beloved pair of shoes wears out & has to be retired, but how devastating to find your pet has destroyed some really cute ones like that! Cats (like I have) aren't really into shoe-chewing...just hairballing & shedding. :-< Happy ending though - Tammy saves the day!
Love the family picture, too! Your photographer is awesome. And those white glasses are HOT & they look great on you - they suit your personality, I think.