Ok, ok, ok...I don't really feel like crap, I just don't feel like writing. However, it's been a couple of days and I wanted to get caught up on my documentation of how everything is going. It will be brief:
I had one of the best track workouts ever. It was amazing, and I felt so self righteous when I was done. I'll share the details with you, just because it was so epic. I ran 6x800 with a 2:00 min. recovery time (and a 1 mile warm-up and cool-down). I was really nervous going into this workout, since I haven't been on the track in 2 weeks but, as it turned out, I guess the break was good for me. Here's my times:
1 - 3:24
2 - 3:28
3 - 3:28
4 - 3:29
5 - 3:25
6 - 3:26
When I compare that to my first track workout, where I only did 4x800 and wasn't able to run the last 2 at my target pace, it makes me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere with my training. Don't get me wrong - speed workouts suck and they hurt. I actually get nervous before I hit the track every week. I can feel my heart rate go up when I start thinking "I'm running too fast!" or "I'm running too slow!" it's crazy! Literally, I have to tell myself to calm down and take deep breaths. Then, after I have a great track day like I did this week, the next voice in my head says "pffft...3 miles at a 7:00 min. pace with a 2 minute break in between each 800? You used to run sub-21 5Ks all the time. You suck!" and then I have to call my MuM for a pep talk. Stupid track.
6 easy miles at about a 8:30 pace. I forgot to mention in the paragraph above that during my one mile warm-up on Tuesday, I recalibrated my Nike+iPod so hopefully it will start being a little more reliable. While my run yesterday was easy, there were some hilly parts and even though I had moleskin taped to my blisters with athletic tape, they still managed to run off and tear open. Ouch! The feet definitely hurt. I'll be buying new shoes this weekend. The thing with blisters is that they seem like such a little thing, but they can mess you up in all sorts of ways if they go untreated and you start favoring one foot over the other while you're running. Allignment gets all messed up and you put more strain on your joints and can do some real damage. Moral: take care of your feet! Have I mentioned that enough yet?
Well, that's today and I haven't done any running yet. I plan on getting a good warm up in, running up a nasty hill 6-8 times, and then cooling down. I'm definitely looking forward to taking a day off tomorrow!
That's really all I have. Sorry this was so lame. I do have a picture here of Billy and I from last Halloween, which I think is pretty darn funny, so I'll post it, just so this blog isn't a complete waste of your time ;)

mUm's advice: buy TWO pairs of shoes so you can alternate. Both pairs will last longer...in the long run (get it??!!).
ReplyDeleteI like Tammy's advice! I'm all for buying lots of shoes. :-) Don't be so hard on yourself about the blog - as has been mentioned before, you are the bestest blogger I've ever encountered. And the picture IS funny - Billy's 40 is a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteoh mum...i do love a good pun ;) and thank you my beautiful cousin! i love all your support and encouragement! thank you so much for following along with my little project - it means so much!