Monday, August 23, 2010

The Weekly Weigh-In

I think I need some...of the massage persuasion. Maybe some mental/emotional/psychological wouldn't hurt either, but what I mostly need is a good massage. I don't know if the poor lumbar support of the cheap office chairs that I sit in every day are finally taking a toll, or if it's from my ever increasing mileage, but my back is KILLING me.

There has been this nagging pinch in the lower-left region of my back a couple of inches up from my derriere. It has gradually spread, and now my whole lower back is always just kind of achey. If I want to be honest with myself, I'm sure I would come to the conclusion that stretching more regularly (or at all, for that matter) would probably solve a lot of my problems. But, like I've mentioned before, stretching hurts. I'm not particularly flexible, and probably never will be. Sorry, Billy. But, the thing is now I'm dealing with a conundrum: it hurts when I stretch, and it hurts when I don't stretch. I want to just drop the $$$ and have someone fix this for me. I find that is the best way to solve most of my problems. If anyone has an suggestions for a good massage place on this rock, I'm now taking suggestions.

The Weigh-In
No progress in either direction. I am holding strong this week at 136.2. I'd like to think that, even though the numbers are telling me the same thing, my fat-to-muscle ratio is decreasing. Or increasing...wait - I'm having trouble figuring out the math there, but you know what I mean. Less fat, more muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, and therefore I could actually look better as my weight goes up. Make sense? Yeah, I know. It sounds good. But there is something so psychologically damning about those stupid little numbers on that stupid scale. Does anyone else out there know what I'm talking about? It doesn't matter if I can go out and run 15 miles - I'm still a failure if I don't lose weight. That's how it feels, anyway.

Maybe I really do need some brain theraby to go with my massage thereapy...


  1. I vote you go get a massage. Then watch the joyful antics of little bebe Gwen as she snarfs down every last bit of kibble in sight, not caring one iota what the scale (or the vet) says about her weight. She is a force to be reckoned with and SO ARE YOU!!!

    PS Stupid scales. What good are they anyway? They just make us depressed and unhappy. Bring it to me. I'll kill it with my Sig ;)

  2. Ok Ash - we can do it - I'm actually up this week after my trip to Mpls - we'll make it this next week - we can count on it!!!

  3. You're not a failure! Have you looked into getting your body fat checked? Some health clubs do it...? Like with the calipers or whatever? Now THAT would be a fun number to watch go down :)
    But alas, I feel you on the stupid scale. Although my numbers are steadily going up and with good reason, it's still a hard pill to swallow somedays. And I swear I think I still look the same...minus the knockers and belly...and ok, my expanded hips and extra junk in my trunk. Oh wait. I don't look the same. Nevermind.

    Keep it up! Don't mind the scale!

  4. I get a massage every once in a while and it loosens things up a bit. My wife likes all the girly stuff like candles and smell good and whatnot so she goes somewhere over there near Kailua. I like cheap and effective. The massage school over on Kam hwy across from Prealridge Mall is where I go. 25 bucks for a hour and you're good.

  5. grami - thank you! but i'm nervous! this week has not been a good one for dieting :/ we'll see how sunday goes.

    stacy - thank you thank you for all of your support. you make my smile. you really need to get out here and visit after you pop out that bun in yo' oven! ;)

    alan - thank you! i know what i'm doing on my lunch break next week. fabulous idea. i'm all about the cheap and effective. thanks!!
