Greetings and happy monday evening to you, beautiful blog-followers! I apologize for being a day tardy with my weekly weigh-in from last week. Please trust that it was for a good cause that will be revealed later ;) At any rate, I usually try to bury this part of the post somewhere in the middle so that it will hopefully be skimmed over and no one will really pay attention to how much weight I'm losing. Or gaining. Or losing. Or get the picture. So, without further ado, here it is front and center:
If you recall, that's almost exactly where I was before Estrogenfest 2010 kicked off. So, I put on 2.5 lbs in 10 days and took it off in just about the same amount of time. Not too bad, eh? I'm back at it, Grami is still closer to the coveted 135 mark than I am, but I'm closing the gap, and I still have no regrets about the calories consumed and the pounds gained during that glorious time. Check out some of the physical activity that did get accomplished while the ladies were here:
Estrogenfest 2010

Holly & I danced around the house. Drunk dancing counts as exercise, right?

We hiked up to Maunawili Falls in the mud....

We jumped off the falls (thats Katie on the left and me on the right)

And of course, we surfed! (Now THAT is a workout!)

And here's a little tip for all of you out there: if you're ever going to have an Estrogenfest of your own, or go on vacation, or are just hanging out, I HIGHLY recommend making sure you have a professional photographer in the group. Tiffany was ours. She is absolutely fabulous and very good at what she does. Go check out her website here to see more of her gorgeous work (all the above photos were taken by the lovely Tif). The memories she captured are priceless! We were all so glad she was here to document the adventures for us.
On a completely different note, let's talk about 13.1 miles. That's a half marathon, and it's also how far I ran yesterday. It was a real learning experience for sure. I honestly felt worse after I was done running. How strange, right? But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start with this:
That's the loot I bought in preparation for this endeavor. Basically, what you're looking at is my hip new runner's fanny pack, various gels and energy jelly beans, new socks, and an anti-chub rub stick.
I may highlight each of these products later, but for now I just don't feel like it and this post is already getting lengthy ;) The reason for all of this fanfare is because I knew that, eventually, I'd have to start taking in water and calories durning my longer runs. My first 1/2 seemed like a good time to start. So I had my little belt filled with water and a packet of Jelly Bellies (with caffeine!) and my new (microfiber!) socks and my feet and thighs had a thick layer of "BodyGlide" glopped on 'em. (Funny inside joke: whenever I look at my stick of "BodyGlide", all I can think of is AstroGlide and a certain HILARIOUS Christmas gift in Billy's stocking for his first Christmas at the Eppens house. Thanks, Dad!) And I made it through 13.1 miles with about the amount of pain that I anticipated.
More Than An Afterthought
The BIG trouble came later. I felt absolutely nauseated, pukey, and gross. Evidently, this is not uncommon amongst us runners. There's a lot of physiology involved: something about peptide and supressed acylated ghrelin. Basically, I was most likely under-nourished for my trek. I guess my pre-run banana and packet of beans was not enough while running that far. Good to know.
But, several positive notes: NO BLISTERS!!!!! Hazzah! Evidently, the key is to avoid cotton socks. Too many fibers cause fricktion. Get synthetic socks. Go figure. The "BodyGlide" (snicker snicker) helped too, I'm sure. I finished 1/2 a marathon with no chafing on my feet or anywhere else. Brilliant. But mostly, I know that I was mentally and physically prepared for this run, and that made it a good one. I'm proud of that run.
When I was finished the only thing I could think was "Holy CRAP!!! I'm going to have go TWICE that far?!" Lord help me, I'm going to need it...
Want one last EstroFest pic just for funsies before I sign off for the evening? Me too! Enjoy! See if you can tell which one is me ;)

Yay for 137.2!!!! That's good right? I WISH I was 137!!! I really really need to get a routine going. I went to run the other day and my tire was flat on my jogger. Filled it up today so in the morning we will see if it's flat and if I need to go get it professionally fixed!! Everything seems to break when the hubby is not around. Cool surfing pics, are you in the black suit??? All you ladies look hot so it's hard to tell. ;-) I'll let u know next time I put Nic in daycare and we can go paddle out.
ReplyDeleteTiff is an amazing photographer, what a BEAUTIFUL set of photos! And HELL YEAH ASH for running a half marathon, go girl!! You're already a gorgeous skinny wonderful person, and I am so happy that your work is paying off!
ReplyDeleteYeah Ash - oh yes I remember that Christmas - You must be the far right - right?? This week-end will probably set me back to even with you but it will be worth it!!!
ReplyDeleteWell Ash, you can no longer yell at me. I read it as I have before but for some reason you have yet to believe me so here is your proof. Keep up the running and such and good job on 137.2. Though I am nowhere near 137.2 lbs, I have dropped about 23 lbs since I last saw you. Its a great diet, I call it the poor man's diet. All you need to do is be so broke you have no food to eat!! Works great for me. Emma says she loves you and misses your face. Have a fantastic day! Mikey