Nevertheless, after weeks of you beating me down, damaging me psycologically, and interfering with my quality of life, I finally managed to get your stupid little numbers to head in the other direction. I weighed in this week at 137.5. TAKE THAT STUPID SCALE!!! I OWN YOU! You're not so tough after all! You can be conquered!!!
So...that's how my weigh-in went on Sunday. I started writing this yesterday, but it didn't get done so I apologize for it being late. But, on a happy note, one of the main reasons my blog has been lacking the past few days is because I have good friends. Let me explain..
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
Sunday night I didn't write this because my friends Desiree and Rose from KCC came over and we had an impromptu ladies night in with pizza and wine and "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" (Lisbeth Salandar is the most badass female to have been written into existence in a long, long time) It was great.
And I didn't finish writing this last night because I had to clean my house in preparation for not one, not two, but THREE (*girlie squeals of delight*) lady friends coming to visit me from the mainland for like 2 weeks almost. I'm soooo excited. It's beyond important - it's essential - to get some good girlie bonding in on a regular basis. I could go on and on and on about my friends. They are absolutely wonderful. Maybe I should start highlighting a friend every week. fodder ideas...
Here We Go Again
How does this keep happening?! This really is a mystery to me. I've put some miles in in my life, and I've NEVER had blisters like I've been getting since I started training. I took care of the shoe situation, and my form is FAR from ideal but it's always been that way so that can't be it. Socks maybe? Inserts in my shoes? Something needs to get remedied quick, because, really...they HURT and I don't want my training to be effected anymore! GAAAAHHHHH!!!
Just so you know, that particular beauty was conjured up on my 12-miler on Sunday. My friend Rob from work met up with me so I had a running buddy. It was great to not have to spend an hour and 45 minutes plugging along by myself. Rob is another friend who helped me out this weekend, because I'm not sure if I would have made it out the door if I didn't have someone waiting for me. (I also like Rob because he has a thick midwestern accent and has a very Mexican last name, even though he's from, like, Fargo and is definitely a whitey).
The Finest Things
Do you know what really the best part was of my domination over the scale last week? I still drank wine! All.Week.Long. Ok, maybe I'd shed pounds faster if my caloric intake was reduced consdierably by cutting out the vino but really, is a life without wine a life I want to live? Nope.
And just for fun, here's what I made myself for dinner last night:
That there fish is OPAH!!!! (Every time you read Opah, you have to read it in a really loud, really Greek voice - OPAH!!!) It was pretty tasty. The OPAH! cheap at the grocery store, so I picked some up on sunday. I very, very loosely used the recipe that you can find here. It really was amazing. Went great with a nice Zin, but I bet some Ouzo would have been great, too. OPAH!!!