First of all, THANK YOU and GOD BLESS to all those out there serving this fine country and keeping me free to run every day. And of course, the same goes for those who have gone before and served and given their lives. I know that the liberties that I enjoy are brought to me courtesy of their sacrifice.
Secondly - here's what I've been up to since Thursday:
Friday: Hills (the picture doesn't do it justice - it's rough, I promise)
After a 10 minute warm up, I ran up this bad boy 5 times (each time took about 2:30) and jogged down. This is one of the many, many hills at Camp Smith in Aiea (also known as "Camp Stairmaster") I did the workout on my lunch break and then went back into the office where I was reminded that, no matter what kind of week I have, at 2 p.m. on any given Friday, I have the best job in the world:
Saturday: I hiked up to Maunawili Falls with Amanda. All the pictures we took are on her camera, so you'll have to wait, but here's what we got to see when we got to the top:

Definitely worth how sore my glutes have been ever since! I'll post the pics as soon as I can.
Sunday: Day off. An essential part of the training process. Usually my long run is on Sunday, but since I had today off, I did it this a.m. instead.
In Conclusion...
So far, I'm putting in more miles in the week than The Training Plan calls for, so I'm feeling ahead of the curve and good about life. I've made some purchases this weekend that will not only aid in my training, but makes for good blog fodder as well, so stay tuned for product reviews and training tips in the week(s) to come.
While the running has been going great (I don't even need to take Advil before I head out anymore!), the diet has been less than great. Amanda in town + Beautiful Teresa's birthday + Memorial Day cookout = Several steps back for this gal. No worries though! Nothing can be done but to do better in the coming week. We're only 2 weeks into this, so I won't let it get me down too bad. (Sneak peak: one of the purchases this weekend was a scale, so prepare for full weight disclosure. Painful as that may be for yours truly).
Happy Memorial Day!
I continue to admire your running prowess. Hills?! I would've completely overlooked that part of the training...whoops :)
ReplyDeleteYes girl! What a beautiful weekend filled with productivity *and* good food. I am so excited that you're already ahead of the curve for your training plan, and that you've got new product reviews to share. I know I can't keep typing "keep it up" so I'll make sure to brainstorm a more unique phrase to root you on as your training progresses. Operation Skinny/Sexy B*tch is well underway!
ReplyDeleteStacey - i was always told that hills are one of the best things runners can do. too bad they're not more fun :(
ReplyDeleteFlo - if all you ever said to me every day was "yay! go ash!" that would suffice. thank you, my dear friend!
The holiday weekend kinda screwed me up with my "diet" too. But I'm not going to get too excited about that. I lived miserably by depriving myself of food & drink that was enjoyable but "bad" in the past but I don't want to live like that. I love beer too much! I'm just trying to stay active & follow the whole more-calories-out-than-in rule & head in the right direction. Thanks for providing me with some inspiration!